Search Results for "interactive"

Join a Chapter

…other special events, professional and student chapters engage their members to support the advancement of computer graphics and interactive techniques. Join a Chapter Now To join, locate your nearest chapter…

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Practitioner Award

The SIGGRAPH Practitioner Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the practice and advancement of Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. The award recognizes the very best and most influential applications and practitioners….

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Committee Chair Candidates Sought

…& Immersive Committee Chair: The vision of the Immersive and Interactive Environments Committee is to support researchers and practitioners involved in the design and creation of interactive and immersive experiences ​and…

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The SIGGRAPH 2023 Practitioners Sessions

…ACM SIGGRAPH Practitioners Sessions at SIGGRAPH 2023 focusing on career growth in computer graphics and interactive techniques. The ACM SIGGRAPH Practitioners Sessions are an in-person sessions for practitioners at the…

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Awards Committee

ACM SIGGRAPH presents nine awards to recognize the exceptional achievements in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Each of these awards is represented by a committee responsible for the selection of…

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

…equity and access to empower a diversity of people and content across all communities, inspiring our members to tell authentic stories through computer graphics and interactive techniques. We are committed…

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Dive deeper into what ACM SIGGRAPH offers to make the most out of your membership. Recognizing significant contributions to and achievements in the field of computer graphics and interactive techniques,…

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Early Career Development

…of the computer graphics and interactive technologies industry. Key Programs Early Career Development coordinates webinars on various topics, from computer graphics career advice to tutorials on specific technical knowledge. Searching…

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