The ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (ACM SAP) aims to advance and promote research that crosses the boundaries between perception and disciplines such as graphics, visualization, computer vision, haptics and acoustics. ACM SAP 2016 will be held in Anaheim, California, on July 22 and 23, immediately prior to SIGGRAPH 2016. The scope of the conference includes applications and algorithms in any area of research that incorporates elements of perception and computer science, with a major aim of the conference being the promotion of communication between the core perception and computer graphics communities.
ACM SAP 2016 invites submissions of original work in all areas of applied perception. Examples of relevant areas include:
- Modeling, rendering, and animation
- Visualization
- Computational aesthetics
- Haptic rendering, haptic input and perception
- Perception of virtual characters
- Color vision and color appearance modeling
- Perception of high dynamic range scenes and images
- Interaction techniques and interfaces
- Augmented reality
- Virtual worlds
- Display technologies
- Auditory display and interfaces
- Perceptual auditory coding
- Spatialized sound
- Speech synthesis and recognition
- Sensory integration
- Multimodal rendering
- Spatial and temporal vision
- Attention and eye movements
- Statistical learning and perception of natural scenes
- Perception of shapes, surfaces, and materials
Research can be submitted as a long paper (up to 8 pages and up to 20 minute talk), a short paper (up to 4 pages and up to 15 minute talk), or as a poster presentation (1 page abstract). Papers that are not accepted will be considered for the poster session. Authors of posters accepted by this route will, of course, have the option to decline the opportunity to present a poster. Please check the formatting guidelines before submitting your work.
A poster presentation is an opportunity for authors to display and discuss achievements that are not ready for publication or have not been published previously. The poster session is always an integral part of SAP with specific time allotted for participants to view and discuss the work. All poster presenters will have the opportunity to give a one-minute description of their work during a poster fast-forward session. Poster presentations are not formal publications. We encourage all types of scholarly poster submissions that fit the scope of ACM-SAP. Poster abstracts should follow the ACM SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines for papers, except that they should be 1 page long.
Further details
All papers will be carefully reviewed by our International Program Committee. Papers will be evaluated as submitted, given limited time between submission and printing of final versions. Under a recent agreement with the ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) and the ACM Publications Board, the strongest accepted papers will be offered publication as full papers in the ACM journal TAP. These papers will undergo a second review cycle, during which the authors will revise the paper to address concerns posed in the summary review (similar to conditional acceptances at ACM SIGGRAPH). Authors of such special issue papers must agree to present the paper at ACM SAP. As has always been the case, authors of regular ACM SAP papers can still submit to TAP regular issues with appropriate additions.
Conference Chairs: Eakta Jain and Sophie Joerg
Program Chairs: Reynold Bailey and Laura Trutoiu
For more information, or to submit your work, visit the ACM SAP website.