Massive Collaborative Animation Projects (MCAP)

The Massive Collaborative Animation Projects are animation productions consisting of students and faculty members from various schools, worldwide, working together to deliver a short animation. MCAP consist of multiple production phases allowing students from different areas of study to contribute their talents.

MCAP01 is currently entering the production phase, while MCAP02 is beginning the preproduction phase. MCAP01 is targeted to complete the modeling phase during the first week of March (character modeling and environment modeling), and then enter the animation phase and production phases. MCAP is actively attempting to recruit additional schools and students to be a part of this opportunity and might be interested in assisting with the production of MCAP01.

At the heart of MCAP is the mission to provide educational opportunities to students on multiple levels. We hope that by organizing each production via a pipeline structure, students will gain experience in managing a project beyond what they might be presented in school, and more along the lines of what they could expect in the professional world. Additionally, we strive to create an environment where students from animation programs, big and small, can gain experience in areas of animation they may not have access to within their home programs, giving them contact with students across the world, as well as faculty mentors from our participating institutions.

For more information about the projects please see: or contact Claudia Davis, MCAP project manager.