I3D: Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
Conference Dates: 4-6 May 2018 (tentative)
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I3D is the leading conference for real time 3D computer graphics and human interaction. 2018 marks the 32nd year since the first conference. We invite you to submit papers across the entire range of topics of interaction, interactive 3D graphics, and games.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Interaction devices and techniques
- 3D game techniques
- Virtual and augmented reality
- Interactive modeling
- Level-of-detail approaches
- Pre-computed lighting
- Visibility computation
- Real-time surface shading
- Fast shadows, caustics and reflections
- Imposters and image-based techniques
- Animated models
- GPU techniques
- Navigation methods
- Interactive visualization
- User studies of interactive techniques and applications
- Sketch-based 3D interaction
Submission Categories — expanded for 2018!
Research can be submitted as a long paper (7-10 pages and a 20 minute talk), a short paper (4-6 pages and a 15 minute talk), or as a poster (1 page abstract and presentation of poster at conference). Long papers should include a significant contribution to the state of the art. Short papers should include an augmentation or new application of existing work. Short papers can also contain the mature seeds of new research. Two types of work can be submitted directly for poster presentation:
- Work that has been published elsewhere but is of particular relevance to the I3D community can be submitted as a poster. This work and the venue in which it as published should be identified in the abstract.
- Work that is of interest to the I3D community but is not yet mature enough to appear as a short or long paper.
Posters will not appear in the official I3D proceedings or in the ACM Digital library but will appear in an online database for distribution at author’s discretion.
Long papers may be accepted as long papers, short papers, or posters, or may be rejected. Short papers may be accepted as short papers or posters, or may be rejected. Posters may be accepted as posters or rejected. Authors may choose to withdraw their submission after notification of acceptance status. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference during oral sessions or as posters during a poster session.
Submissions should adhere to the ACM SIGGRAPH style guidelines. These changed in 2017 so please be sure you are using up-to-date templates. The submission of a video to accompany the paper is encouraged. Papers will be peer-reviewed in a double-blind process. Poster submissions will be reviewed single-blind, so author information may be included. Authors will be notified of acceptance status by e-mail.
Pending ACM approval, accepted long papers will be invited to appear in the "Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques”, a newly proposed journal. Several of the most practical or implementation-minded papers may be invited to submit extended versions to the Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT)
AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)
Papers Chairs:
- Adam Bargteil, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Kenny Mitchell, Disney Research and Edinburgh Napier University
Posters Chair:
General Chairs:
- Morgan McGuire, NVIDIA
- Derek Nowrouzezahrai, McGill University
For more information please see: http://i3dsymposium.github.io/2018/cfp.html