
Requirements for SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Courses include:

Proposal ideas are organised and electronically submitted for review and selection. Proposals include abstracts, a syllabus, a Course Notes sample, and a slate of qualified presenters. (Full details are listed below.)

Upon selection, course organisers must ensure that course presentation details are completed, including course materials for publication, presentation logistics, and speaker coordination.

The course is presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2008. If follow-ups are planned, they are carried out as proposed in the original submission. The Courses Committee works with presenter teams at the conference to ensure successful presentations. Course feedback is gathered and returned where available.

The following checklist will ensure that your submission is complete and complies with all program requirements.

1. SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Courses Submission Form
Complete all required fields in the Online Submission Form. Instructions there will guide you to successful completion. When you begin the form, your submission will be assigned a submission ID number that will identify your submission throughout the entire review and production process.

2. Online Submission
All course proposals must be electronically submitted via the SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 online submission system. No other method of submission will be accepted or allowed. Fax or paper submissions are not accepted. Detailed submission procedures are specified in the online submission process.

3. Acceptance Agreement
If your course proposal is selected, every speaker in your course must complete and send an Acceptance Agreement. If we do not receive all contributor acceptance agreements, your course cannot be presented at the conference.

4. 2007 Course Proposal Requirements
Fill in (or select from the drop-down menus) the following items on the SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Courses Online Submission Form:

  • Course title

  • Category (see categories)

  • Course organiser

  • Proposed length: (full-day, half-day, tutorial)

  • Attendee equipment requirements: Do attendees need to bring their own laptops and/or download software in order to get the most of out the course? Do attendees need internet access during the course?

  • Summary statement: A two- or three-sentence description (limit: 50 words or less) of the course suitable for pre-conference publicity. The description should reflect key topics, goals, and formats that distinguish this presentation, and it should concisely highlight your course abstract. Publication deadlines preclude revision of this statement after the submission deadline.

  • Names of presenters: (follow prescribed format) Note: every name listed here requires a signed acceptance agreement if the course is accepted. A course presenter is an active participant in the course, such as a speaker or lecturer

  • Course abstract: a slightly longer description (limit: 300 words or less) of your course suitable for publication. The abstract should include key topics, course objectives, presentation formats, and other important details of the course

  • Course prerequisites: A concise statement (limit: 50 words or less) that explicitly conveys to prospective attendees the type of background knowledge needed to follow the course presentation. Prerequisites might include specific mathematics, experience with graphics, particular application areas, etc. General assumptions should also be explicitly stated when known. Statements must be suitable for publication

  • Level of difficulty: (beginning, intermediate, advanced). If your course level of difficulty is beyond beginning, what pre-knowledge is required and assumed? This should appear in Course Prerequisites.

  • Intended audience: Who will most likely benefit from this course? What will they learn? What tools will you provide to help them achieve the learning goals of your course?

  • Category: How would you categorise this course? Entering one primary and two secondary categories will help us ensure that your proposal is considered by the most suitable reviewers.

  • Course syllabus: This is the heart of the submission. It is a detailed course syllabus that outlines a logical flow of the materials. It should give the precise time schedule (in minutes) for all sections within the course. Each section should specify the presenter, the topic, and any sub-section titles and content. Additionally, breaks should be scheduled. Here are the SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 course formats:

    Full day: Seven hours of syllabus, typically one or two presenters. These courses usually run for a full conference day with 15-minute breaks for morning and afternoon tea, and a (much longer) lunch break.

    Half day: 3.5 hours of syllabus, typically one presenter. These courses usually run for a total elapsed time of 3.75 hours in either the morning or afternoon and contain a 15-minute break.

    Tutorial: 1.75 hours of syllabus, typically one presenter. Sessions may begin at various times and will contain no scheduled breaks.

  • Course length reduction: Can your course be flexibly redesigned into a shorter time frame (Tutorial or Half-Day Course)? If yes, please tell us specifically how you might achieve this (specify which sections and/or lecturers would be cut or reduced in presentation time). If no, please explain how the presentation will suffer in the space provided. Note: Format flexibility can sometimes improve chances for acceptance. See Frequently Asked Questions for details.

  • Extant materials: Will your presentation make use of any extant materials (bibliographies, annotated bibliographies, relevant web links, source code, demos, etc.)? If yes, what are those materials and how are they relevant to the syllabus? How will these materials be delivered to the audience? How will these materials be obtained post-conference by people using the course as reference material?

  • Course history: Has your course or any other similar course appeared at previous SIGGRAPH conferences? If no, explain the importance of this course to SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 attendees. If yes, when was it presented? How does this proposal differ from what was taught before? Why should it be presented again at SIGGRAPH Asia 2008? How has it improved? Is it required or foundational content for the field? Has your course appeared elsewhere? If yes, please specify dates and events. How has it improved since that presentation? Does this material relate significantly to other previous SIGGRAPH courses?

  • Special notes requirements: Explain requests, if any, to include supplementary materials such as textbooks, videos, slides, or commercial software with SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 published Course Notes. Materials that cannot be published digitally or require additional cost must be justified. Important: SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 does not pay for the cost of including supplementary materials with Course Notes.

  • Special presentation requirements: Explain requirements for hands-on demonstrations, special equipment, or unusual presentation techniques. Unusual or ambitious requests will be considered based on their benefit to the conference and their effect on support costs.

  • Course presenter information: Name, title, affiliation, and a short biography (100 words or less) for the organizer and each lecturer.

  • Organiser contact information: Occasionally there is need to contact a course organiser shortly before, during, or following the jury meeting, so SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 needs accurate contact information (including phone numbers) for July and August 2008.

  • Course Notes sample: An outline of materials and a representative sample of the type of Course Notes that the organiser and presenters plan to provide upon acceptance. Ideally, each presenter should provide a brief sample excerpt. They should be clear and concise in what they are demonstrating. Reviewers use this sample to evaluate the expected quality of the course's learning materials for use at and after the conference. Note: see Frequently Asked Questions for more detailed guidance on Course Notes examples (annotated slides, papers, source code, animations, etc.) and their contribution to the review process.

  • Advance publicity image (optional): You are encouraged to provide an image that supports advance marketing of your course at SIGGRAPH Asia 2008. If provided with your submission, it will be considered for use in all advance SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Courses promotion. Image requirements include:

    The image must represent significant concepts, themes, or details of the course material.

    The image must avoid use of embedded logos, copyright, trademark, and commercial information where possible.

    The course organiser understands and agrees that download of the image grants permission for the image to be altered (cropped, scaled, rotated, or otherwise modified) for editorial purposes without prior notice.

    The image must be an uncompressed TIFF file at least 1500 x 1200 pixel resolution (300dpi).

    Image caption and credits must be provided in the online submission form.

5. Optional: English Review Service
Contributors may voluntarily use the English Review Service for help with the text of their proposals. Please schedule sufficient review time and backup options in case the service cannot provide timely feedback. The English Review Service is not administered by the Courses Programme. No extensions to the submission deadline will be granted due to delays caused by using this service.