Sketches & Posters: Submission Rules & Requirements

Use the Sketches & Posters Online Submission Form to submit your proposal before the submission deadline (17 August 2009, 23:59, GMT). All forms must be filled out, and all materials must be successfully uploaded by that time. The submission deadline will be strictly enforced.

We strongly encourage starting the submission form well before the deadline. Also, please do not wait until the last minute to upload your files. See Uploading Files for complete information.

Log in to the SIGGRAPH Information System, select Begin a New Submission, and then select "create" for the Sketches & Posters Submission Form.

Submission Format: The submission form gives you the opportunity to specify whether your work should be considered for Sketches or Posters. You can select both categories, or you can choose to not specify the presentation formt. If you choose both categories, the jury will decide which format is appropriate for your submission. However, due in part to the limited number of time slots for oral presentations, we expect that the very strongest submissions will be selected for presentation as Sketches. If a submission is specified as Sketches Only and it is rejected, it will not be considered for a Poster presentation. Posters Only submissions will not be considered as Sketches.

Sorting Topic: The Sketches & Posters Chair uses the the Sorting Topic to assign your submission to the reviewers who are best able to assess your work. Please be as accurate as possible when selecting the sorting topic.

English Review Service: If English is not your first language, you may use the English Review Service to help with the text of submissions. Please note that this takes time, so your submission should be sent to the English Review Service well before the final Sketches & Posters deadline.

Acceptance Agreement: If your submission is accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2009, an Acceptance Agreement will be produced from the Permissions section of your online submission form. You can already peruse and sign the agreement during the submission process. We strongly recommend this. You will still be able to make necessary changes within two weeks of your acceptance. If you do not complete your Acceptance Agreement with an electronic signature, your work cannot be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2009.

Your submission must include the following materials and information. The total size of all uploaded files should not exceed 100 MB:

A one-page abstract describing your work (PDF): Prepare a print-ready version of your sketch or poster. Sketch and poster submissions should include the names of all collaborators on the work and their institutions. Your one-page PDF should be self-contained, and it should include what area you are working in, what is novel about your work, and how this work fits into existing work, along with appropriate figures, tables, results, and references.

You may use the SIGGRAPH template for technical papers (restricted to one page). See this artificial example for formatting guidelines. Other instructions can be found on this page.

Prepare the document with the Submission ID number alongside the printed title. For example: "Rendering Hair (sap_0029)". You will be assigned a Submission ID number, of the form "sap_0029" when you create an Online Submission Form. This number will be used to identify your submission throughout the review process. In all other ways, the document must be in final format. Submissions that are more than one-page long or that are improperly formatted will not be considered.

One representative image (TIFF) suitable for use in the conference web site and promotional materials: At a minimum, submissions require one clear digital image of the highest print quality possible, pixel resolution of at least 1500 x 1200 (at least 300 dpi at 5 inches wide, with depth proportional) or the highest possible screen grab. Images must be submitted in TIFF format.

Up to three supplementary materials (OPTIONAL): The one-page submission must stand alone as an overview and summary of the proposed sketch or poster. But in many cases, it is impossible for the jury to evaluate a sketch or poster without seeing the results or project demonstrated in more detail. Accordingly, submitters may provide supporting material in the form of video, images, and/or further documentation:

  • Images: Submitters may provide high-resolution images to demonstrate their work. They must be in one of these formats: TIFF, JPEG. PNG, BMP, GIF.
  • Video: All submitters are encouraged to provide video demonstrations of their projects, if available. Up to five minutes of video may be uploaded, in one or more separate files. We can only accommodate videos in QuickTime, MPEG-4, or DivX Version 5 (or later) formats. The total length of all videos should not exceed five minutes. Remember that the total size of all uploaded files should not exceed 100 MB.
  • Documentation: In some cases, results can best be conveyed as a document with images, graphs, charts, and so forth. Supporting documentation should be in PDF format, up to three pages long, and should contain mostly captioned figures or tables. Please refrain from submitting an expanded paper, as the jury will not have time to read it.

Finally, please review the Frequently Asked Questions for more tips and guidelines on how to prepare your sketch or poster and what to submit.