Sketches & Posters: Review & Upon Acceptance

Jury Review
All submissions will be reviewed by a jury of industry, research, and academic professionals in computer graphics, computer animation, games, interactive techniques, art, and related fields. The Sketches and Posters Chair and Committee are responsible for conducting the jury process and selecting the final works to the highest standards of quality.

The review process is single blind, which means the reviewers will know who the authors are, but the authors will not know who the reviewers are. Thus, submissions must include the names and affiliations of the authors.

Submitters will be notified of acceptance or rejection by the end of September 2009.

Upon Acceptance

1. Acceptance Agreement
If your submission is accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2009, an Acceptance Agreement will be produced from the Permissions section of your online submission form. You must digitally sign this document within two weeks after submission. If we do not receive your completed, signed Acceptance Agreement, your work cannot be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2009. See Upon Accpetance for more information.

2. Presentations
Before the conference, the chair of your Sketches session will provide detailed information, including when your talk is scheduled for presentation. We will allocate about 15 minutes for your presentation, followed in every case by about five minutes of Q&A. The exact time will determined after the jury determines how many Sketches will be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 in total. For information on the Speaker Preparation Room, Session Room Equipment, Slide Preparation, and Movies in Presentations, see Speaker Preparation.

If your work is accepted as a Poster, you will be required to prepare a poster that describes your work. You will be informed about the location of your poster as well as times when you should appear at the poster to present your research to attendees. You need to make sure that your poster arrives at Pacifico Yokohama on time for the conference. During your poster presentation sessions, the poster must be staffed at all times by at least one person. You are encouraged to bring a portable computer to demo your work to interested attendees. We will provide details upon acceptance.

3. Presenter Recognition
If you wish to attend SIGGRAPH Asia 2009, travel costs are at your own expense. The contributor of record will receive a registration discount as specified in the SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 Recognition Policy.

4. Publication
All work selected for the Sketches and Posters program will be documented in the SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 Full Conference DVD-ROM, a publication that provides an ISBN and ACM order number. The work will also be published in the ACM Digital Library