Mesh Processing

Full Conference  One-Day Full Conference

Saturday, 13 December
08:00 - 10:15
Room 303, 304, 305
Session Chair: Olga Sorkine

Efficient Traversal of Mesh Edges using Adjacency Primitives
Efficient edge traversal allows fast shadow volumes and silhouette computations on the GPU. Minimising the number of adjacency primitives leads to discrete optimizations on the mesh dual graph.

Pedro Sander
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Diego Nehab
Microsoft Research

Eden Chlamtac
Princeton University

Hugues Hoppe
Microsoft Research

Randomised Cuts for 3D Mesh Analysis
This paper investigates a new shape analysis method based on randomised cuts of 3D surface meshes.

Aleksey Golovinskiy
Thomas Funkhouser
Princeton University

Deduction of Interpolating Subdivision Schemes From Approximating Subdivision Schemes
A method for directly deducing new interpolating subdivision schemes from the corresponding approximations. The purpose is to solve some limitations in the exiting interpolating subdivision.

Shujin Lin
Xiaonan Luo
Fang You
Zheng Li
Sun Yat-sen University

Spectral Quadrangulation With Orientation and Alignment Control
A new algorithm for quad mesh generation based on a spectral surface quadrangulation approach that provides flexible explicit control of the shape, size, orientation, and feature alignment of the quad faces.

Jin Huang
Muyang Zhang
Jin Ma
Xinguo Liu
Zhejiang University

Leif Kobbelt
RWTH Aachen

Hujun Bao
Zhejiang University

Quadrilateral Mesh Simplification
Mesh simplification is an important geometric-processing algorithm, serving as a building block for many higher-level methods. This paper introduces a quadrilateral mesh-simplification technique, constructing quality LOD mesh hierarchies.

Joel Daniels
Claudio Silva
University of Utah

Jason Shepherd
Sandia National Laboratories

Elaine Cohen
University of Utah