Reflectance & Subdivision

Full Conference  One-Day Full Conference

Friday, 12 December
15:45 - 18:00
Room 303, 304, 305
Session Chair: Kun Zhou

Practical Modelling and Acquisition of Layered Facial Reflectance
A practical method for modelling layered facial reflectance from a modest number of photographs recorded from a single viewpoint.

Abhijeet Ghosh
Paul Debevec
Tim Hawkins
Pieter Peers
Sune Frederiksen
USC Institute for Creative Technologies

A Layered, Heterogeneous Reflectance Model for Acquiring and Rendering Human Skin
A layered, heterogeneous, spectral reflectance model for acquiring and rendering the appearance of human skin. The model measures appearance via a novel acquisition method that uses multi-spectral photographs.

Craig Donner
Columbia University

Tim Weyrich
University College London

Eugene d'Eon
NVIDIA Corporation

Ravi Ramamoorthi
Columbia University

Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Princeton University

Phong Tessellation
The Phong Tessellation is a geometric version of the Phong normal interpolation to improve the visual continuity of meshes with a local curved displacement, adapted to current and next-generation GPUs.

Tamy Boubekeur
Marc Alexa
Technische Universität Berlin

Subdivision Shading
Rendering subdivision surfaces using normals generated by subdivision.

Marc Alexa
Tamy Boubekeur
Technische Universität Berlin

Real-Time Reyes-Style Adaptive Surface Subdivision
An efficient and real-time Reyes-like surface subdivision (split/dice) using modern GPGPU techniques that subdivides complex models to subpixel accuracy in a few milliseconds.

Anjul Patney
John Owens
University of California, Davis