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シーグラフアジア 2009のテクニカルペーパープログラムは、コンピュータグラフィックス、およびインタラクティブ技術分野の最新の研究成果を発表する国際フォーラムです。


下記の論文は、2009年12月版の”ACM Transactions on Graphics”雑誌上で公開され、12月2日には、ACM Digital Libraryオンライン版も閲覧可能となります。以下にリストされている記事番号を参照されますと、これら論文のテキストや、追加マテリアルを雑誌、オンライン版の中で簡単に探すことができます。



Thursday, 17 December | 5:30 AM - 7:15 AM | Room 301/302

Session Chair

Kartic Subr

TOG article 107

Layered Shape Synthesis: Automatic Generation of Control Maps for Non-Stationary Textures

A novel example-based synthesis method for inhomogeneous textures based on decomposing the input texture into layers, using shape synthesis to produce new layers and letting them guide the synthesis.

Amir Rosenberger 
Daniel Cohen-Or 
Tel Aviv University

Dani Lischinski 
Hebrew University
TOG article 108

Feature-Aligned Shape Texturing

Exploring the use of salient curves in synthesizing natural-looking, shape-revealing textures on surfaces.

Kai Xu 
Simon Fraser University, National University of Defense Technology

Daniel Cohen-Or 
Tel Aviv University

Tao Ju 
Washington University in St. Louis

Ligang Liu 
Zhejiang University

Hao Zhang
Simon Fraser University

Shizhe Zhou 
Zhejiang University

Yueshan Xiong 
National University of Defense Technology
TOG article 109

Continuity Mapping for Multi-Chart Textures

Continuity maps can make any multi-chart parameterization seamless, without requiring re-parameterization of the artist-provided textures or inaccurate texturing operations like texture transfers.

Francisco Gonzalez Garcia 
Gustavo Patow 
Universitat de Girona
TOG article 110

Motion Field Texture Synthesis

Application of example-based texture synthesis to motion fields. The technique takes on general exemplars, generates artistic effects, and produces 3D outputs from 2D inputs.

Chongyang Ma 
Tsinghua University, Microsoft Research Asia

Li-Yi Wei 
Microsoft Research

Baining Guo 
Microsoft Research Asia, Tsinghua University

Kun Zhou 
Zhejiang University