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Art Gallery Podcast

場所:ホール A 開催時間
2009年12月17日(木) 09:30 - 18:30
2009年12月18日(金) 09:30 - 18:30
2009年12月19日(土) 09:30 - 17:00



Human Potential (Movement) (Invited)

Jamie Allen is interested in technologies that suggest ways of reinventing traditional relationships to art and performance. His work in digital media, music, performance, and public art seeks to create physical relationships between people and media.

In this work, a bicycle generator powers a water pump and lighting system for a plantation of hydroponically grown, edible plants. The plants provide nourishment for the biker, and this sealed micro-ecosystem asks: What are the limits of human "sustainability"?

Jamie Allen 
Newcastle University