Art Gallery Fact Sheet

Chair: Tomoe Moriyama, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo/The University of Tokyo

Co-Chair: Stephanie Choo, Orita-Sinclair - School of Art & New Media, Singapore

Conference: Wednesday 10 December - Saturday 13 December
Exhibition: Thursday 11 December - Saturday 13 December

The Facts

  • The SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Art Gallery shares its theme with Emerging Technologies. The title of the show, Synthesis, refers to a kind of chaos, a random transformation of structured knowledge and exploration in digital art and emerging technologies.
  • The SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Art Gallery presents art that transforms, melds, and transcends current Asian paradigms. This international, multicultural festival of creativity showcases work in all media - including "hybrid" formats such as text-literature collaborations, ubiquitous sounds and more - that provokes contemplation, explores surprising ideas, addresses contemporary issues, interactively engages viewers in discovery, and stimulates their intellect and creativity.
  • Twenty works and one Art Paper were selected from nearly 300 entries; while different in content, applications, and inspiration, they have one thing in common: successful representation of culture and exploration.
  • Fifty percent of the works on display are from Asia.
  • SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Art Gallery also features a curated show, Asian Hybrid Art, including a joint show with the Computer Animation Festival and collaborative panels with the Japan Media Arts Festival.

A Quote from the SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Art Gallery Chair:
"We have combined the two programmes, Art Gallery & Emerging Technologies, under the title of Synthesis, this year to merge their experimental histories. There are over 30 brilliant works altogether, and in all the projects, attendees can enjoy the vast potential and rich diversity of hybrid art and technologies. We are so happy to show you this fruitful result of emerging creativity, here in Singapore, at the melting point of culture and business."

A Quote from the SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Art Gallery Co-Chair:
"The Art Gallery reflects a culmination of creative minds - a showcase of various cultures from all corners of the globe. The experience: profound, thought provoking and visually stimulating. Twenty works selected from nearly 300 entries, while different in content, application, and inspiration, have one thing in common: successful representation of culture and exploration. Through ground-breaking digital works, the artists question and invite responses from attendees. We are extremely pleased to bring to you, at the inaugural SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 in Singapore, a collection of exciting, inventive, and inspiring creative works that will certainly make its mark as the first in Asia."

SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Art Gallery highlights include:

Optical Tone - Dynamic Colour Composition
Optical Tone is an installation that proposes and proves a technique for interactive and temporo-spacio colour composition in accordance with human perception of colour consistency.

Tsutomu Mutoh
International Media Research Foundation

Pudding Building
A visualisation of tremors that affect an Asian building symbolises a rapidly changing people's social cognition and a contracting social structure. Max/MSP, Jitter, and Arduino are used to capture the image of the miniature building, for image processing, for detecting the number of viewers, and to operate vibrating motors.

ByungKyu Kim
HyunDong Kim
Dongjo Kim
JungHwa Han
Unzi Kim
Chung-Ang University
South Korea

Three Little Pigs in CG Theatre
NHK has developed a new style of content creation for a puppet show. The performers operate the actual puppets in a CG environment called Uncompleted Contents, and the complete contents are produced with them in real time. This production style presents limitless possibilities not only for TV programming, but also for interactive elements.

Yuko Yamanouchi
Takashi Fukaya
Hideki Mitsumine
Hidehiko Okubo
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)