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Ct Technology: High-Productivity Throughput Computing on Multicore and Manycore Processors

Intel Corporation
Friday, 18 December | 8:45 AM - 10:30 AM | Exhibition Hall B, Tech Talks Room 1

Intel Ct Technology provides a generalized, data-parallel programming solution that frees application developers from dependencies on particular hardware architectures. It produces scalable, portable, and deterministic parallel implementations from a high-level specification of a computation. This talk explains the basics of the Ct Technology and supporting tools and then showcases an example application. Ct Technology can harvest both short-vector (SIMD) and thread-level parallelism from code in a single source file. It provides portability across multiple current and future processor architectures, and it can automatically adapt applications to differences in instruction sets, vector widths, core counts, and cache architecture. It offers ease of use through a high-productivity API that does not require extensive training and significantly reduces programming time and effort. It is ideal for applications that require data-intensive mathematical computations such as those found in medical imaging, digital content creation, financial analytics, energy, data mining, science, and engineering.

Intel Corporation