GPU-Based Methods

Full Conference  One-Day Full Conference

Thursday, 11 December
08:30 - 10:00
Room 302
Session Chair: Edward Angel

GPU Crowd Simulation
This first interactive, GPU-accelerated massive crowd simulation (>65,000 agents) combines parallel implementations of a course global-path planning technique with a fine-grained local avoidance model.

Jeremy Shopf
Christopher Oat
Joshua Barczak
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
GPU-Based Scene Management for Rendering Large Crowds
A system for rendering crowds of characters with full shadows, in arbitrary environments, with stable performance and excellent visual quality, managing all aspects directly on the GPU.

Joshua Barczak
Natalya Tatarchuk
Christopher Oat
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
GPU Tessellation for Detailed, Animated Crowds
A method for rendering detailed crowds of characters using tessellation, instancing, and LOD management, along with a technique to reduce artifacts along uv seams when using displacement mapping.

Natalya Tatarchuk
Joshua Barczak
Budirijanto Purnomo
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
A GPU-Based Approach for Real-Time Haptic Rendering of 3D Fluids
An innovative GPU-based approach that enables real-time haptic rendering of high-resolution 3D Navier-Stokes fluids.

Meng Yang
University of Pennsylvania

Jingwan Lu
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Zehua Zhou
Alla Safonova
Katherine Kuchenbecker
University of Pennsylvania